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Activity 1: Meeting Juan Plantas

The activity  "Forest Foods" is about finding out how forest’s plants can be used as a source of food. We were also interested in knowing how plants can be used as medicines. We contacted a botanist called Juan Plantas, who often appears on Spanish television talking about these issues. His knowledge on plants is almost boundless, his patience infinite. He offered to come to our school the day we presented the project, so we could interview him in front of the audience. We were so excited and thankful!.

Activity 2: Consumer confessions

This activity was performed by joining the activities "Consummer Confessions" and "3R's" proposed in the FCB guidelines. We decided that a member of our team would write a diary during a period of 2 weeks explaining how he recycled, reduced and reused products in this daily life. The member would also reflect on how to improve his consumption habits. The person in charge of doing this activity was Marco, and we presented all his notes in an iBook (you can see part of the diary by clicking in the icon below).  

The Wild Feathers - Best activities

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